An Ancient Science



"Ayurveda is a system of ageless wisdom and timeless healing for the body, mind, and consciousness of every individual." 

Dr. Vasant Lad


- an Ancient Science - 

Ayurveda is the ingenious medical system of India that views health through an all-encompassing lens, looking at the body-mind-spirit in relationship with nature. Ayurveda means "the knowledge of life and longevity" or, as I see it "the art of living". 

The first time I was introduced to Ayurveda was 4 years ago, by my Hatha Teacher in the beautiful country of Greece. I still remember those moments, feeling as a deeper wisdom inside me was just swimming itself back to the surface of consciousness. An inner gentle voice whispering " of course, I know all of these..." even if I never before heard about Ayurveda. My ways of living and eating by then were fitting in someway with this holistic indian system of medicine, even if I was all the time living in Romania. Whatever my teacher was sharing, looked so nature and right in my brain, as if this was so understandable and normal to everyone. 

Ayurveda is taken from the Sanskrit words ayus, meaning life, and veda meaning knowledge.  

We cannot completely forget what we once lived, but we have to give it a chance to remember. Or easier, the path will take us back there is this is the hearts wish. 

Living Ayurveda for me, is eating based on its principles, doing rituals based on the seasons and moving the body through Yoga. Covering all through the power of meditation, breath work and prayer.

There is a Divine knowledge inside , "the mother of all Healing". Uncover it, dear One, uncover it!

In a world where stress is the primary cause of disease, Ayurveda reminds us of our aliveness, humanity, inner power, wisdom and inherent peace. It reconnects us to a world that pulses with light, joy and sings with tremendous beauty and nourishment. May we all arrive back home.

Ayurveda & Yoga

- Two Unseparated Sisters-   

"Life (Ayu) is the combination (samyoga) of body, senses, mind and reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans both in this world, and the world beyond"


Ayurveda rejuvenates the body and keeps it healthy; Yoga deals with the purification of mind and consciousness. Together, they both complement and embrace each other. 

There is more to Yoga and Ayurveda than just asanas and medicinal plants ! 

Yoga is the most extraordinary spiritual sciences that mankind has ever discovered.Yoag is mainly a science if Self-realisation. The base of it is manly meditation, to take us beyond the sorrow and ignorance of the world. Its purpose id to teach us how to move from our outer bodily and ego-bound identity to our immortal Self that dwells within the heart. Its methods includes physical postures, ethical disciplines, breath control sensory methods, affirmations and visualizations, prayer and mantra, and complex meditative disciplines. Best described in The 8 limbs of Yoga, by Patanjali.

He defined the eight limbs as yamas (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption)

Ayurveda is primary a science of Self-healing aimed at relieving the diseases of the body and mind. It addresses all areas of medicine and included methods like diet, ayurvedic medicines using herbs, bodywork;  it acquires ritual, mantra and meditation for healing of both the body and the mind. As Ayurveda has a unique understanding of individual constitution and the natural law, it covers specific programs for each individual in order to obtain harmony in the world of nature and with One's Higher- Self. 

Followed and practiced together, Yoga and Ayurveda, will restore wholeness in body, mind and spirit. A sankulpa we all are seeking, both individually and collectively.  


I know it sounds overwhelming, but let me introduce you step-by step into both practices. 

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