Which Yoga practice/ type is the Best?

different yoga techniques spiritual path yoga types Mar 13, 2025

Many people ask me, which of the practices I teach is the best? I never know what to answer? What does "the best" means. Is "the best" the one who is more intense, or easier, or the quicker one to gain spiritual enlightenment? And even if "the best" would have a clear definition, it cannot be matched to a particular group, less to many more people. Yoga is a unique experience and the practice has to fit with One's body and behaviour and temperament. What helps one person, might not bring results in another person. This is why, each and every individual has to be open to experience all of the practices which are available in today's time. 

And then comes the questions regarding the different types of yoga: as Yin, Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Restorative and there are many more. Neither here, there is no perfect answer, which will fit every individual for his whole life? 

Everything in this universe is changing. It's the same with our practices. Maybe for some year we are in love with Hatha, then we fall in love with Kundalini, then we mix or move on with Yin and maybe later we prefer pilates :-)

Nobody can give a permanent answer. And maybe no human being will have only ONE love. We just change, our body changes, our inner world changes, our will-power changes....everything comes, stays for a while, and finally goes. 

This is why, we have to pick what resonates with us in that particular moment. Of course, some practices are more fitting to our bodily constitution, so we will stay for longer maybe a lifetime with them, but this does not mean that we are not open to combine them with others. 

Ayurveda indeed provides some special movement types regarding the ayurvedic dosha of each individual. And it is good to follow, but everyone is free to chose. 

And many time, I also get the question: which practice/yoga type was the most powerful on my spiritual path". Neither here I have a clear answer. While I was growing on my spiritual path, my practice was maturing; I was maturing. While starting with Hatha Vinyasa based on my sporty bodily constitution, I gain a lot of insight into my own being just by doing my asanas consistently. Many year later, when I was ready, Kundalini came and it completed some paths and opened different ones, which Hatha did not. So, they are all complementary. None is better, none is less powerful .

But together, is like having the holy grail into your hand- or maybe seeing the Trinity, at once. Can you imagine? ... How powerful this is?

As a conclusion to this topic, I always encourage people to be open, to test each practice first. And then see which one is fitting for now better with him/her? At the end, the one (yoga type) who did not fit at all at the beginning, might be the "missing puzzle piece". 

Because the more mature One gets on the spiritual path, the less the attachment to the a particular practice, the more the love for yoga- union, the feeling of union and being closer to One's heart. And this can be achieved through each practice and through all of them. 

All beautiful, all powerful, all freeing!

What a miracle Yoga it!

Thank you to all spiritual teachers who opened the way for us. 



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